My name is Sarah Glemnitz. I am a graduating student of Crossmedia Design at the ArtEZ AKI, Academy of Fine Art & Design in Enschede, the Netherlands.

My profession at the moment is illustration, although I used to photograph for several years. I usually combine both media. I like it when my work effects people – whether it defines, inspires, provokes or amuses people, but I'm hunting especially for the amusement.


I am currently showing my work and development of the project I'm working on here on this blog, but you are also invited to have a look at my website sarahglemnitz.com

Thank you for visiting!

the end is near.

here's the cover of my book, i wanted it simple, and this is my final outcome after a loooot of other versions i tried. in the end, i made it as simple as possible, but i also think it is the most beautiful one.

also, i also had a great idea for my portfolio (you can see the cover i originally wanted to use in the second picture)! i definitely wanted to make something with my own handwriting to make my portfolio as personal as possible. my problem wa, that i could not decide which works i want to show, and now that i have a new concept, i can only show 1 concept for one topic. the concept is, to show what 'i can', ... i can photograph, draw, create, built, write, ... (see the last two pictures of this post) a lot of things. and that is what i am going to show. i will upload pictures of the printed version soon. also, i will write everything by hand, and only print those pages with the printer, which really have to be printed.

the picture in the middle shows my concepts for the animations i am going to use for my final exam.

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