My name is Sarah Glemnitz. I am a graduating student of Crossmedia Design at the ArtEZ AKI, Academy of Fine Art & Design in Enschede, the Netherlands.

My profession at the moment is illustration, although I used to photograph for several years. I usually combine both media. I like it when my work effects people – whether it defines, inspires, provokes or amuses people, but I'm hunting especially for the amusement.


I am currently showing my work and development of the project I'm working on here on this blog, but you are also invited to have a look at my website sarahglemnitz.com

Thank you for visiting!

nooo publisher found.

Hey everybody, good and bad news! I spent some time in Germany and Poland this summer, trying to find a cheaper way to give my 'Gelsenkirchen' - book to you. My cousin + a friend and me drove elsewhere, but nobody wants to do it either as himself as the publisher, nor make it for a better prize. Daaaymmm. Also, I haven't heard from any publisher yet, who wants to publish the book. But anyway, the people who put their names on the list at my bachelorpresentation will get a unique copy (1 out of 50!), that makes it more rare! Also I will nominate the book for some awards, keep checking my blog for updates!

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