My name is Sarah Glemnitz. I am a graduating student of Crossmedia Design at the ArtEZ AKI, Academy of Fine Art & Design in Enschede, the Netherlands.

My profession at the moment is illustration, although I used to photograph for several years. I usually combine both media. I like it when my work effects people – whether it defines, inspires, provokes or amuses people, but I'm hunting especially for the amusement.


I am currently showing my work and development of the project I'm working on here on this blog, but you are also invited to have a look at my website sarahglemnitz.com

Thank you for visiting!


I was working on my Editorial-Design-skills, also to try how to apply my illustrations in text and stuff like that.

Actually this got out a whole job, including an identity for a game a friend of mine developed. It is called ECONOMÜNT, a game he devised for schoolclasses, to experience social differences of rich and poor. It is about helping and supporting, but also questionning, if pupils behaved the same way, when those situation would occur in real life. It's out in some schools - by Matthias Matzner.

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